Table of Contents

Deploying and Nessus

  1. Identify a hostname for your server
  2. Request a license (option 1: DISA ACAS License Request Portal)
  3. Install CentOS (change the hostname, configure a static IP address, and specify a DNS server)
  4. Download, install, and start the & Nessus Scanner binaries
     sudo mkdir /opt/downloads/
     sudo cp ./*.rpm ./*.key /opt/downloads/
     cd /opt/downloads
     sudo rpm -i ./CM-243951-SecurityCenter-5.11.0-el6.x86_64.rpm
     sudo rpm -i ./CM-253106-Nessus-8.11.0-es6.x86_64.rpm
     sudo service SecurityCenter status
     sudo service SecurityCenter start
     sudo service nessusd status
     sudo service nessusd start 
  5. Browse to https://localhost:8834 to configure the Nessus Scanner
    • Select “Managed Scanner” when prompted
    • Select “” when prompted
    • Create an account when prompted
  6. Browse to the web interface using https://localhost
    • Click-on “Update License > Choose File” and select your license when prompted (the key filename must match the server’s hostname; ex: hostname.key)
    • Click-on “Activate”
    • Click-on “Next”
  7. Configure

Adding Your First Nessus Scanner

  1. Provide the following details when prompted:
    • Name: Scanner-California-LosAngeles-T800
    • Description: Designated for the "User" VLAN within the city of Los Angeles, California.
    • Host:
    • Port: 8834
    • Username: skynet (use the credentials you created previously)
    • Password: ComeWithMeIfYouWantToLive1984 (use the credentials you created previously)
  2. Click-on “Next” to start Configuring Your First Repository

Configuring Your First Repository

A Repository contains all the subnets of your organization. Specifically, it is a folder with text-files that identify the individual IP addresses of the machines on your network. It also holds vulnerability data when you begin scanning. Allocate one scanner to each subnet (text-file) within your Repository (a folder containing multiple text-files).

  1. Provide the following details when prompted:
    • Name: Repository-California
    • Description: "User" VLANs for all cities within the state of California.
    • IP Ranges:,,
  2. Click-on “Next” to start Configuring Your First Organization

Configuring Your First Organization

An Organization is a set of scanners (cybersecurity tools), users (cybersecurity personnel), and assets (machines on your network).

  1. Provide the following details when prompted:
    • Name: Cyberdyne Systems
    • Description: We Are the Future
  2. Click-on “Next” and then, “Skip” to start Configuring Your First Security Manager

Configuring Your First Security Manager

  1. Provide the following details when prompted:
    • Username:
    • Password: ComeWithMeIfYouWantToLive1984
    • Time Zone: UTC
    • Administrator Password: ComeWithMeIfYouWantToLive1984
      • NOTE: this is for the built-in, default administrator admin
  2. Click-on “Next” twice
  3. Click-on “Confirm”
  4. Click-on “Complete Setup”

Creating an Application Administrator

  1. Click-on “Users > Users”
  2. Click-on “+ Add”
  3. Provide the following details when prompted and click-on “Submit”
    • Role: Administrator
    • Username: miles.dyson.aa
    • Password: ComeWithMeIfYouWantToLive1984
    • Time Zone: UTC
  4. Click-on “admin > Logout”
  5. Login as the new Application Administrator
  6. Click-on “Users > Users”
  7. Click-on the gear next to the admin account
  8. Click-on “Delete”

Creating a Security Analyst

  1. Click-on “Users > Users”
  2. Click-on “+ Add”
  3. Provide the following details when prompted and click-on “Submit”
    • Role: Security Analyst
    • Username:
    • Password: ComeWithMeIfYouWantToLive1984
    • Time Zone: UTC

Granting Someone “Super-User” Privileges in CentOS

# step 1
su root
usermod -aG wheel victor # add the user to the 'wheel' group

# step 2
    %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL # uncommment this line
    # use ':wq!' to exit the Vim text-editor

Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions in CentOS

# step 1
sudo yum install kernel kernel-devel gcc make perl
sudo reboot now

# step 2 (make sure the current kernel and downloaded one match)
uname -r 
ls /usr/src/kernels/ 

# step 3
# click-on "Insert Guest Additions CD image..." from the Devices drop-menu in VirtualBox

# step 4
cd /media/VBox_GAs_6.0.6 # change directories to where Guest Additions is mounted
sudo ./
sudo reboot now

# step 5
sudo usermod -aG vboxsf victor # do this to access folders shared between the host and guest
sudo reboot now # or logout the GUI shell

Changing the Hostname in CentOS

# step 1
sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/network
    HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain # remove
    HOSTNAME=foxhound # add; ex: foxhound = new hostname

# step 2
sudo reboot now

Assigning a Static IP Address in CentOS

# step 1
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
sudo vim ifcfg-eth0
    IPADDR= # desired static ip
    DNS1= # local DNS server

# step 2
sudo service network restart

# step 3
ping # ping your gateway
ping # ping your DNS server
ping # ping something beyond your gateway
