Table of Contents

Adding Credentials

  1. Click-on “Scans > Credentials”
  2. Click-on “Add a Credential” or “+ Add” (top-right)
  3. Select “Password”
  4. Provide the following details and click-on “Submit”
    • Name: Windows-Admin-for-Nessus
    • Username: miles.dyson
    • Password: ComeWithMeIfYouWantToLive1984

Adding an Audit File

Audit Files are the baselines you want to measure a machine against.

  1. Click-on “Scans > Audit Files”
  2. Click-on “Add an Audit File” or “+ Add” (top-right)
  3. Select “Windows”
  4. Select the baseline to relevant the machine (ex: DISA Windows Server 2012...)
  5. Provide the following details and click-on “Submit”
    • Name: Baseline: Server 2012 R2 (v2)
    • Logon Window Caption: Notice and Consent Banner
    • Logon Window Text: You are accessing a Cyberdyne Systems (CS) machine that is provided for CS-authorized use only.
    • NTP Server:

Creating a Policy

Policies represent what kind of scan you want to run. For example, you may want to perform a simple “host discovery” scan or audit known-machines for compliance.

  1. Click-on “Scans > Policies”
  2. Click-on “Add a Policy” or “+ Add” (top-right)
  3. Select which kind of scan you want to run (ex: SCAP and OVAL Auditing)
  4. Provide the following details and click-on “Submit”
    • Name: Policy: Audit via SCAP Definitions
    • Compliance: Baseline: Server 2012 R2 (v2)

Creating an Active Scan

  1. Click-on “Scans > Active Scans”
  2. Click-on “Add an Active Scan” or “+ Add” (top-right)
  3. Provide the following details and click-on “Submit”
    • Name: Weekly Baseline Compliance Audit
    • Policy: Policy: Audit via SCAP Definitions
    • Schedule - Frequency: Weekly
    • Import Repository: Repository-California
    • Max scan duration (hours): 3
    • Target Type: IP / DNS Name
      • IPs / DNS Names:
    • Credentials: Windows-Admin-for-Nessus

Scheduling a Scan

  1. Click-on “Scans > Active Scans”
  2. Click-on the play-button next to the Active Scan you previously created
  3. Click-on “Scans > Scan Results” and wait for your scan to complete

Exporting Scan Results

  1. Click-on “Scans > Scan Results”
  2. Click-on the gear next to the scan you previously ran
  3. Click-on “Download SCAP XML”
  4. Extract the downloaded .xml file

Reviewing DISA STIG and SCAP Benchmark Compliance

  1. Download SCAP benchmarks and the DISA STIG Viewer
  2. Run a SCAP and OVAL Auditing scan
  3. Do the following using the DISG STIG Viewer:
    • Import the SCAP benchmark
    • Create a checklist
    • Import the XCCDF file (the scan results exported as an .xml file)
